martes, 2 de junio de 2009


This commune limits to the north with The Poplars; to the south with Tirúa; to the east with the Mountain range of the Costa and to the west with the Ocean Pacífico.Cuenta with a surface of 766 Km2 and with 32.300 inhabitants approximately, of which 36,6% corresponds rural population - it is characterized by a strong agricultural tradition and for its diverse tourist attractions as the Museum Mapuche, the Stone of the Eagle (it inserts in the National Park Nahuelbuta), the Lake Lanalhue and other lagoons where he/she will be able to carry out activities like observation of birds and aquatic sports.

City dedicated mainly to the agricultural, forest activity and of services whose historical value is significant; since it was scenario of arduous and inmemorables battles that immortalized as much to Spanish conquerors as to heroes of the ethnos mapuche. In their beginnings it constituted an area densely populated by community’s mapuches lafkenches and pehuenches.

As arriving

From Concepción, 137 kms should travel. To arrive to Cañete. He/she should go toward the south for the Route 160 until the town of High Hill, passing Colonel's communes, Lota,Arauco and Curanilahue. From High Hill it should continue for the route P-60-R that goes toward the south (Route of the Araucanian) it arrives to The Poplars, 18 km travels. and it arrives to Cañete.

From the Route 5, the alternative quicker vial is to arrive to Collipulli to take the route 182 that it goes to Angol. Once in Angol he/she should take the route R-86 to the town of The Sallows and then the route R-60-P that will leave it in Contulmo,recorre 35 km. toward the north and it arrives to Cañete.